[Tokyo Marui] H&K MP5A5 AEG SMG[Next Gen.][NGRS Ver.][BLK]

存貨單位: AA#13914-5D 零件號: TM-4952839176370
正常價格 HK$3,881.00

[東京丸井] H&K MP5A5 AEG SMG[下一代][NGRS 版][黑色]

  • 東京丸井 NGRS 或下一代反沖衝擊平台長期以來一直被認為是氣槍的最佳電動反沖系統。
  • 下一代反沖系統為我們帶來了許多成功的產品,例如各種AR、SCAR。
  • 這次 NGRS 來到了廣受喜愛的 Tokyo Marui MP5,令人興奮不已!
  • TM MP5 NGRS 的組裝和表面處理是一流的,正如我們對 Tokyo Marui 的期望。重量和尺寸與真鋼1:1!

  • 上部機匣堅固耐用,增加了產品的整體重量。

  • 這MP5的重量和原來的真鋼MP5A5一樣

  • 為了讓它更真實,東京丸井在彈匣上做了一個可選功能,讓玩家將裝彈量從72發切換到30發

  • 此外,東京丸井還增加了新的機制彈匣裝載系統。必須先進行槍機鎖定、重新裝填,然後將扳機柄放回原位才能再次啟動射擊模式。
  • MOSFET和點火控制系統絕對包含在這款MP5中


  • 零件編號:TM-4952839176318
  • 顏色: 黑色
  • 材質:金屬和尼龍塑料
  • 重量:2972(毛重:4600公克)*
  • 相容性:僅限 MP5 Next Gen. AEG 彈匣
  • 威力(槍口速度):280fps


  1. 槍×1把
  2. 雜誌 x 1 本
  3. 使用說明書 x 1 本

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 1 review
      Amazing Gun

      I am not some chat bot for reviews seen on other websites like this just to "promote themselves". I genuinely had a good experience ordering from here, despite what reddit says about them. It took like a week to get here and shipping was quick as well as the tracking updates that I got frequently. Everything came as it should, my only problem is that everything was in Japanese except the main manual, so I had no idea what to do with some stuff, which left me to look it up online (not a big deal). My only problem with the gun itself is that they are on here trying to sell other smaller handguards saying they will fit, however, you can't really get any smaller of a handguard because there is like no room for the battery as is. I just ordered their m-lok handguard, so I hope it fits. For those looking for a good battery that will fit, I have the GOLDBAT 2S 7.4V 20C 1300mAh Airsoft Lipo Battery 2S. Go watch Maydaysan's video on other batteries if you need a better guide. Just shot the gun for the first time today, and it is crazy how the recoil seems almost true to scale. Overall very sturdy gun (able to HK slap without having to worry about breaking), so I would pick yourself up one wherever they are still in stock. Below I have some pictures of the gun and battery I have.