Good quality and fast in your home!
biggest waste of money screws split in half braking into my Tokyo mauri's akm trigger box
this is aimed at mad dog not sixmm
I want to know if this kit fit TM MP5 (not NGRS) ??
Did just what it said on the tin!
這款 [DNA] VFC M249 GBB 鋼製機匣是 VFC M249 瓦斯反沖 GBB 氣槍步槍的完美升級。此接收器由鋼製成,提供更真實、更耐用的體驗。使用這款 DNA 接收器升級您的氣槍機槍並增強您的遊戲玩法。非常適合 VFC M249 氣體反吹 GBB 氣槍機槍。